09 June 2010

2/5 Fox Company Homecoming

I was up bright and early (actually...it was still dark) to head up to San Mateo for Fox Co.'s homecoming. Normally I attend homecomings to photograph one family's story, but this time I was contacted by Family Readiness to volunteer to photograph the company in general. Also, I've never been to a homecoming where they did formation before letting everyone go.

So, this was a much different scenario than I was used to :) I stood around waiting with the rest of the families, and got to hear all their stories. I wish there were 10 of me so I could have captured every one of their first moments - but when they released formation, all hell broke loose and families were running in every direction. Most of my images were caught within the first 2 minutes, and within 12 minutes or so, almost everyone was gone. Needless to say, they were excited to be home!

It was also great to be able to capture the parents welcoming home their kids. Normally wives hire me, so it was neat to get a different perspective since a lot of parents flew out for this homecoming.

Here's a few of my images - for the rest, you can check out my Facebook!



This concluded this family's 6th (yes, 6) deployment. He had only been home a month last time before he left for this deployment, so I hope he is able to stay home a good long time and enjoy his kids now. They were so excited to have their Dad back home.




Welcome home, Fox Co. and job well done!

07 June 2010

Boudoir Photography

I've been doing some boudoir photography on the side, and have honestly hesitated to bring it to my blog/Facebook because the images are obviously of a personal nature.

However, I wanted to share at least a few so clients (and potential clients) had the knowledge that I do these sessions.

A little bit about them -

* You do NOT need a perfect body! I do retouch the images, and can help choose poses that help you feel most beautiful.

* Most run at least 2 hours. There's no rush to get through this. I want you to feel comfortable, and beautiful - and we can't do that by rushing.

* Your comfort level is of the upmost importance. Every woman has various comfort levels as to how much skin she would like to show.

So, check out one from a shoot I had a few weeks ago...If you would like to get more information or see more sample images I have in a password-protected gallery, email me at Stephanie@FoxHollowPhotography.com or send me a Facebook message!


04 June 2010

Heidi & Jimmy :: Homecoming

Andddd.....once again, I've been slacking on the blogging! Facebook just provides an instant gratification by uploading the photos directly, and I love being able to tag people. But, you can't necessarily write as much and share the story about the people in the images either.

So, one of the last shoots I've done recently was Heidi & Jimmy's homecoming. If you look back, you can see some of the pictures I took at his deployment in the fall. Heidi is such an inspiration to so many military wives (myself included). She would always have positive, uplifting comments on Facebook, despite the hardships they both endured this deployment.

This couple is just one of those that is so happy together, they glow in eachother's presence. I have honestly been looking forward to Jimmy's homecoming since he left, because I knew we would get some amazing images...and I was right. I have so many more that I could share, but I had to limit it. To see more, you can always check out their images on Facebook as well.

Heidi went to hang her sign a few days in advance. She had flown out from the east coast for this homecoming, and it just kept getting delayed...


This was the night of homecoming, around 1:30 AM when she found out the buses were on Camp Pendleton


Their first kiss was actually through a fence! The Marines were returning weapons and finding bags, but Jimmy found a moment to sneak away and find his wife.


Running to meet him at the gate, and making sure that cute dress stayed in its proper place ;)






And here's one of Heidi's friend Megan and her husband.



I love shooting homecomings, and it is always such a privilege to be present at these occasions. So happy you are home safe, Jimmy!