07 June 2010

Boudoir Photography

I've been doing some boudoir photography on the side, and have honestly hesitated to bring it to my blog/Facebook because the images are obviously of a personal nature.

However, I wanted to share at least a few so clients (and potential clients) had the knowledge that I do these sessions.

A little bit about them -

* You do NOT need a perfect body! I do retouch the images, and can help choose poses that help you feel most beautiful.

* Most run at least 2 hours. There's no rush to get through this. I want you to feel comfortable, and beautiful - and we can't do that by rushing.

* Your comfort level is of the upmost importance. Every woman has various comfort levels as to how much skin she would like to show.

So, check out one from a shoot I had a few weeks ago...If you would like to get more information or see more sample images I have in a password-protected gallery, email me at Stephanie@FoxHollowPhotography.com or send me a Facebook message!


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